Screenshot JH 2021. Diese Videokonferenz mit dem Theaterkurs fand (nicht) an einem Freitag statt.
Rückkehr nach Hamburg! Nach 1,5 Jahren Referendariat als Quereinsteigerin für Theater und Deutsch erreicht mich per Post die Bestätigung über das Zweite Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien. Zack! Der Theaterunterricht mit meinen tollen Schüler*innen am Hochrad Gymnasium hatte in Pandemiezeiten unter anderem diese FAKE(!)-Rezension hervorgebracht.
Rückkehr nach Hamburg! Nach 1,5 Jahren Referendariat als Quereinsteigerin für Theater und Deutsch erreicht mich per Post die Bestätigung über das Zweite Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien. Zack! Der Theaterunterricht mit meinen tollen Schüler*innen am Hochrad Gymnasium hatte in Pandemiezeiten unter anderem diese FAKE(!)-Rezension hervorgebracht.
August 2018
Workshop on Action Art with students at jtw spandau...
Workshop on Action Art with students at jtw spandau...
June 2017
LAN Hungh and I are finally returning to Taiwan, this time - amongst other diverse wonderful artistic and didactic undertakings - holding a Performance Art Workshop for Primary School Teachers in Taipeih, a collaboration with RAW8 and founding the freshest version of the Office for Artistic Needs KBB Taiwan in a Workshop with Taipeih artists and students. |
November 2016
Participating in a 5 day performance art event at studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlin. Performance im Hochhaus was curated by Uwe Jonas and involved artists Adrian Brun, Jörn J. Burmester, Florian Feigl, Joy Harder, Frank Homeyer, LAN Hungh, Anja Ibsch, Nathalie Mba Bikoro, Ilya Noé and Aleks Slota, performing each one durational and one short performance piece. I am doing a 10-hour-reading of BUSHIDO, the bestselling autobiography by rap star Bushido and a 30 minute performative summary of the whole fucking book.
Participating in a 5 day performance art event at studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlin. Performance im Hochhaus was curated by Uwe Jonas and involved artists Adrian Brun, Jörn J. Burmester, Florian Feigl, Joy Harder, Frank Homeyer, LAN Hungh, Anja Ibsch, Nathalie Mba Bikoro, Ilya Noé and Aleks Slota, performing each one durational and one short performance piece. I am doing a 10-hour-reading of BUSHIDO, the bestselling autobiography by rap star Bushido and a 30 minute performative summary of the whole fucking book.
December 2016
Neo Neo DADA at BONE 19 International Performance Art Festival in Bern, Switzerland with a spectacular third show Neo Neo DADA Summa! Tutti Frutti involving African and Swiss artists to join us in a ridiculously eclectic summary of everything.
Neo Neo DADA at BONE 19 International Performance Art Festival in Bern, Switzerland with a spectacular third show Neo Neo DADA Summa! Tutti Frutti involving African and Swiss artists to join us in a ridiculously eclectic summary of everything.
Photo: David Baltzer
September 2016
Neo Neo DADA ist die Schwester der Senfgurke, die Finanzbehörde des Internet und der beste Zünder für eine neokonservative Marsmission. Burmester & Feigl reanimieren mit 15 Performancekünstler_innen aus ganz Europa und ihrer radikal-experimentellen Hausband aus Ole Wulfers und Mark Boombastik die Geister von DADA und erfinden sie für das 21. Jahrhundert neu. Neue alte Strategie: Unfug und Krawall als Frontalangriff auf Sinnstiftung und nützliche Kunst... Three fantastic performance art evenings with friends to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sophiensaele in Berlin/D. See Videos |
June 2016 Travelling Taiwan together with LAN Hungh. I am holding a first Performance Art Workshop on "The Political Body" at No. 31 Artist Village in Tainan and a second one on "The Absent Body" at NengShengXing Factory. Lan and I perform "Artist`s Dogs" at instant42 in Taipeh, curated by Yujun Ye. The experience and exchange with Taiwanese artists, audiences and workshop participants is hugely inspirational and I hope to return to Taiwan in 2017. |
July 2016 Hier: TORTENSCHLACHT. Eine von vielen themenbezogenen Projektwochen mit Schüler*innen an der jugendtheaterwerkstatt spandau. Wir hatten ein lachendes Brot! |

April 2016
April, 21st - throwing burning candles at philosophers in Leipzig. The interactive performance lecture KUNST UND MACHT presented at LOFFT Leipzig in the frame of [soundcheck philosophie] #4 is the second part of a series of investigations of a) why - or why not - it may be strategically useful to identify oneself as being a "performance artist", or even just an "artists" and b) of how to introduce this thinking into non-artistic contexts. See also KUNST UND ÖKONOMIE. Upcoming: KUNST UND LIEBE and KUNST UND TOT..., for which I plan to talk to very old artists and artists in existential situations. If you wish to support this work - give me a call.
Conference Webseite
Photo: Tom Fichtner 2016
March 2016 On March 12th Harder&Schultz once again got to re-present something! Daniel and Esther from Random People ended their residency at Fleetstreet-Theater in Hamburg with the Live-Shooting of a Trailer for the ficticious TV-series Performance - and had recruited us as performance artists performers! With Jörg Thums (red park/, Harder & Schultz, Matthias Anton, Tillamanda, Christoph Strolz und Julia Lerch Zajaczkowska. TRAILER and more videos COMING SOON at Webseite |
Foto: Christoph Strolz

February 2016
CROWD ATLAS beat EVIL CORP - more than 80 problems were adopted by audience members
during this year's KREATIVHEIDE, a collaboration between various artists, Jugendtheaterwerkstatt
an der Jungfernheide, students and teachers from Schule an der Jungfernheide Berlin.
More results COMING SOON at
January 2016
A great pleasure to be performing a duo titled PRE-ENACTMENT together with Lan Hungh-Sian
in the during the first part of a new series of performance events launched by the Association
of Performance Art Berlin (APAB e.V.) at Grüntaler 9,
Berlin Wedding/D.
CROWD ATLAS beat EVIL CORP - more than 80 problems were adopted by audience members
during this year's KREATIVHEIDE, a collaboration between various artists, Jugendtheaterwerkstatt
an der Jungfernheide, students and teachers from Schule an der Jungfernheide Berlin.
More results COMING SOON at
January 2016
A great pleasure to be performing a duo titled PRE-ENACTMENT together with Lan Hungh-Sian
in the during the first part of a new series of performance events launched by the Association
of Performance Art Berlin (APAB e.V.) at Grüntaler 9,
Berlin Wedding/D.

October 2015
Harder&Schultz were invited to artistically contribute to the Fachkongress des Bundesverbands freie Darstellende Künste (BUFT) at Kampnagel, K3 October 15-17th 2015. KBB set up an installation in the Kampnagel foyer documenting the history of the KBB and evaluated observations in a short performance on the last day. KBB guests volunteered as problem scouts and fed statements and feedback into the presentation.
KBB Business Report
Generally visit
May 2015 NEWSTICKER KBB MPA-B +++ 1st May Trailer Performance at Görlitzer Park +++ 4th May Office for Artistic Needs / Künstlerisches Bedarfsbüro supports the first APAB e.V. event at the Meinblau Projektraum MPA-B2015 HUB +++ 8th-11th May KBB at MPA-B HUB /// 8th May: Video Performance KLAPPSTUHL with Lan Hungh +++ 9th May Opera La Dimensione dell`Obbigatorietá (norddt. wat mut dat mut) with John G. Boehme and Anja Ibsch +++ 10th May Open Air Concert ZABADONG mit Gambe with Marina Sawall, Frauke Heidenreich, Frank Homeyer +++ 11th May Visiting Margaret Dragu at Grünthaler9 and KBB KINOGANG at Meinblau Projektraum +++ 22th/23rd May KBB at MPA–B: Conference Curating Performance Art as an Artistic Practice /// 23rd May 10-11.30h Business Report +++ WEBSITE KBB ALL VIDEOS ON FB/Künstlerisches Bedarfsbüro |
Foto: Anja Beutler 2015
April 2015

September/October 2014
A culmination of projects! This is what is or has been going on...
1 - Lan Hungh, Jörn J. Burmester and I installed our Survival Garage at Garagenhof Pankow and performed there in the context of Sophiensaele`s festival Männer in Garagen from Thursday, 25th until Sunday, 28th. Art will certainly not save us all! (Photo by Paula Reissig)
2 - Bumester&Feigl`s new series TEOTWAWKI premiered at Sophiensaele on Wednesday, 1st October! As soon as the boys - Florian Feigl, Jörn J. Burmester and Mark Boombastik - were back in town after their in-progress-presentations at sichtbetonung 9.2 in Dresden and hitparaden 2 in Copenhagen, everything was ready and set for The End Of The World As We Know It. A great pleasure to be part of this! (Press Comment: Berliner Zeitung)
A culmination of projects! This is what is or has been going on...
1 - Lan Hungh, Jörn J. Burmester and I installed our Survival Garage at Garagenhof Pankow and performed there in the context of Sophiensaele`s festival Männer in Garagen from Thursday, 25th until Sunday, 28th. Art will certainly not save us all! (Photo by Paula Reissig)
2 - Bumester&Feigl`s new series TEOTWAWKI premiered at Sophiensaele on Wednesday, 1st October! As soon as the boys - Florian Feigl, Jörn J. Burmester and Mark Boombastik - were back in town after their in-progress-presentations at sichtbetonung 9.2 in Dresden and hitparaden 2 in Copenhagen, everything was ready and set for The End Of The World As We Know It. A great pleasure to be part of this! (Press Comment: Berliner Zeitung)
3 - From October 13th until the 17th, Patryk Witt, André Leipold and I are holding the second MACHT LOS workshop with a European 11th grade class from Mildred-Harnack-Oberschule in Lichtenberg (Production Management: Nina Klöckner). All activities will feed into a live presentation of results and experiences at Theater an der Parkaue on November 8th.
4 - As if all this would not suffice, I am now a happy member of the Sophiensaele team and have my own desk there! I am happy to support the FREISCHWIMMER Festival 2014/15 as Mark Pohl's production assistant until March 2015. By the way, if by any chance you get hold of tree trunks or nudists... Forget that. The festival starts on October, 17th - check it out! All productions can be experienced on later dates at FFT Düsseldorf/D, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt a. M./D, brut Wien/AT and Gessnerallee Zürich/CH.
June 2014
Our first MACHT LOS! workshop (see Das Naive Institut) takes place at Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Spandau with students from B.-Traven Oberschule.
Collaboration (Photo) with André Leipold and (by) Patryk Witt.
4 - As if all this would not suffice, I am now a happy member of the Sophiensaele team and have my own desk there! I am happy to support the FREISCHWIMMER Festival 2014/15 as Mark Pohl's production assistant until March 2015. By the way, if by any chance you get hold of tree trunks or nudists... Forget that. The festival starts on October, 17th - check it out! All productions can be experienced on later dates at FFT Düsseldorf/D, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt a. M./D, brut Wien/AT and Gessnerallee Zürich/CH.
June 2014
Our first MACHT LOS! workshop (see Das Naive Institut) takes place at Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Spandau with students from B.-Traven Oberschule.
Collaboration (Photo) with André Leipold and (by) Patryk Witt.

Mai 2014
Month of Performance Art in Berlin (MPA-B). Even if you have planned nothing, you'll still be part of it....
It was a pleasurable honour to be part of a very spontaneously organized experimental moderated performance with Frank Hohmeyer, Lan Hungh, Ilya Noé, Jörn J. Burmester, Florian Feigl and Anja Ibsch at the MPA-B HUB on the 10th of May. See Video.
And the experiment went on. Another group work with Ilya Noé, Anja Ibsch, Lan Hungh, Greg McLaren, Anais Heraud, Fausto Gracia, and Emeka Ene, Jörn J. Burmester and Florian Feigl. and new rules took place on May, 26th, again at DingDongDom/Berlin. (Photo by Demi Nandhra)
Month of Performance Art in Berlin (MPA-B). Even if you have planned nothing, you'll still be part of it....
It was a pleasurable honour to be part of a very spontaneously organized experimental moderated performance with Frank Hohmeyer, Lan Hungh, Ilya Noé, Jörn J. Burmester, Florian Feigl and Anja Ibsch at the MPA-B HUB on the 10th of May. See Video.
And the experiment went on. Another group work with Ilya Noé, Anja Ibsch, Lan Hungh, Greg McLaren, Anais Heraud, Fausto Gracia, and Emeka Ene, Jörn J. Burmester and Florian Feigl. and new rules took place on May, 26th, again at DingDongDom/Berlin. (Photo by Demi Nandhra)

It was an extreme pleasure also to take part in "L'animal autobiographique", an excessive reading of Derrida's 10-hour lecture "The Animal That Therefore I Am" at Gallery Meinblau, in the frame of the Month Of Performance Art, Saturday, 3rd. (Photo by Ilya Noé)
Programme and Livestream
Programme and Livestream
April 2014
Preparations for a project with teenagers funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, in collaboration with Theater an der Parkaue and Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Spandau is undergoing. The project will take place from July until November 2014, in collaboration with artists Patryk Witt, André Leipold and Anne Herwanger.
The first workshop for Burmester&Feigl's newest project TEOTWAWKI (at Sophiensaele/Berlin, October 2014) takes place this month. Now that we got used to it I gladly take over the TEOTWAWKI Production Management.
March 2014
Harder&Schultz present their newest project "KBB - Künstlerisches Bedarfsbüro" at the imagetanz Festival WHO CARES..., brut, Vienna/AT
Project Website
I assist in Florian Feigl's and Christopher Hewitt's production "Dissolved - The Uncanny Valley" at Sophiensaele, Berlin/D
Sophiensaele Programm
Preparations for a project with teenagers funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, in collaboration with Theater an der Parkaue and Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Spandau is undergoing. The project will take place from July until November 2014, in collaboration with artists Patryk Witt, André Leipold and Anne Herwanger.
The first workshop for Burmester&Feigl's newest project TEOTWAWKI (at Sophiensaele/Berlin, October 2014) takes place this month. Now that we got used to it I gladly take over the TEOTWAWKI Production Management.
March 2014
Harder&Schultz present their newest project "KBB - Künstlerisches Bedarfsbüro" at the imagetanz Festival WHO CARES..., brut, Vienna/AT
Project Website
I assist in Florian Feigl's and Christopher Hewitt's production "Dissolved - The Uncanny Valley" at Sophiensaele, Berlin/D
Sophiensaele Programm
This website is published...