Durational Performance
Open Space
GfKFB, Berlin/D 2011
Photo by Luciana Lardies
Shortly before the doors opened for audiences to visit Performer Stammtisch and IPAH's Open Space at Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben, presented in the context of the Month of Performance Berlin (MPA-B) 2011, I had arranged myself sitting in front of a table and a second chair in one of the performance spaces and had re-enacted my own video-performance "Joy Harder eats a Andy Warhol" from 2008, a re-enactment, or variation, of Andy Warhol's "Andy Warhol Eating A Hamburger" (1981*). For the remaining 7 hours of the performance night I remained sitting at the table motionless, in the state in which I had finished the action i.e. my head covered in a Burger King paperbag, my chest covered in Heinz tomatoe ketchup. I remained still until Berlin-based performance artist Janine Eisenächer would take the bag off my head in the end of the (her) last performance of the day. Photographs of participants of Marina Abramovic's "The Artist is Present" (2010) by Marco Anelli were laid out on the table as an emotional guideline for audience members who sat down in front of me.
*= I was born in 1981 in Hamburg. But, so the story goes, Warhol's Hamburger was in fact a Whopper. |